• Premium Dropship Service

    • Weekly Release of 12-15 items
    • Synclogic is available for drop shipping
    • Thank you notes and gifts added to packages for your customers
    • Sample buying window so you have the product in hand for live sales and your own photos in time for the release day
    • YOUR name and address for the return address on all your customer packages
    • $25 per month for 1-100 orders and $50 per month for 100+ orders 


    Learn more about our Premium Dropship Service 
  • Free Overstock Dropship Service

    • Items are Overstock from our Premium Dropship Service.  Additional items will be added a couple times a month
    • Synclogic is available for drop shipping
    • No Thank you notes or gifts included in your customers packages 
    • No sample buying window
    • "The Warehouse" and my Michigan business address is in the Return address for your packages 
    • Free


    Learn more about our Free Overstock Service